10th National & ۲ nd International Iranian Animal Science Congress held at UCAN

12 September 2023 | 12:19 Code : 36660 News
10th National & ۲ nd International Iranian Animal Science Congress held at UCAN

10 th national & ۲ nd international Iranian Animal Science Congress was held on August 30 -31 by the Iranian Society of Animal Science and Animal Science department of University College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences. More than 600 scientists & Faculty members, students, animal & poultry farmers and some of their associations participated in the event. Totally 528 articles were presented as oral (74) or poster (454) in 5 different topics. 20 well known Faculty members from universities of Australia, Belgium, Canada, USA, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Pakistan, Nederland, and New Zealand and 27 Iranian faculty members and researchers from different universities and research centers presented their articles as invited speaker in different topics of animal science

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