In the name of Allah Students, professors and justice seekers Of The American Universities

14 May 2024 | 10:47 Code : 41383 News

More than 75 years have passed since the establishment of the racist state of Zionism by the western countries especially by the British government in order to occupy and expel the residents of the Palestinian lands in the west Asia region.
Unfortunately, over past decades, the western supporters of the pro-Zionist media have prevented the reflection of the truth of the Palestinians people to the rest of the world in various ways.
As you know, more than seven months have passed since the battle of al-Aqsa Storm as one of the methods of defense of the Palestinian people against Israel.
Over this period, the blood of about 35 thousand oppressed Palestinians especially the blood of more than 15 thousand people from defenseless Palestinian children and women has been shed on the ground by the criminal state of Zionism.
Genocide and full-scale anti-humanism behavior of the Israeli army has caused the awakening of all justice-seeking people and has resulted the start of movements of the allover the world against the anti-humanism behavior of the apartheid and child-killing regime of Israel.
In these days, the announcement of the support of students and a group of brave professors of the American universities for the rights of the Palestinian people can play an effective role in putting pressure on the American politicians to stop supporting the usurping regime of Israeil.
Dear freedom-loving students of the universities of the United States of America
We know very well that in your peaceful protests, you did not vandalize, set fire to any place, or break any glass, but the behavior of the so-called pro-liberty American government has been harsh and contrary to the dignity of the participating students in the protests.
The behavior of the American government shows its lying and their double policies against similar global issues in other countries and it shows the support of the American government for the crimes by the Israeli government against humanity.
Hereby, we, as a group of your Iranian friends and like-minded people in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of University of Tehran, firmly support your movement and protest against the killing of the innocent Palestinian people.
And we believe that the continuation of your protests together with other students around the world will have an effective contribution to the immediate cessation of the war in Gaza and the cessation of the killing of the resistant and oppressed people of the Palestine. 
Hoping for the success and definite victory of the Palestinian people over the occupying Zionist regime.
Professors, students and staff of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of University   of Tehran 
May 13, 2024

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